Are you having trouble planning what to do on vacation? Want a leisurely summer vacation to relax from the stresses of work or the hectic end-of-school time? Taking a vacation is something that isn’t too popular with the hardworking American culture. Unlike our European counterparts, we work more and play less. However, that doesn’t always have to be the case! Every now and then we need a true break. When planning a low-key summer vacation plan, one popular warm weather activity to consider choosing from is hitting the beach. A recent survey of over 1,100 adults asked what their preference for vacation was. Going to the beach was the top choice of 29% of those surveyed, which outstripped other pastimes like camping, spa days, or playing golf. Additionally, a global survey showed that 33% of the respondents (the majority) said that they would choose to go to the beach if they could only take one vacation. Below will be some beach vacation tips to help you plan your perfect beach getaway.
What to Do on A Beach Vacation
Some of the best beach vacation tips are pretty simple. For example, there are variety of things to do on a beach vacation, but by far, 60% of Americans said they preferred doing nothing or relaxing at the beach when they went. Sunbathing or reading on the beach is a great way to spend a day, with your feet propped up on a pull out chair or relaxing on a towel, listening to the crash of the waves on the beach. Another popular option was walking on the beach–it’s great for people watching and getting a little exercise. It’s also great if you have small children with lots of energy. In line with that, swimming is another wonderful activity to partake in when on a beach vacation. Swimming in waves is always thrilling for children who have never been to the ocean and relaxing for those who have been many times.
What to Consider When Going on A Beach Vacation
Some important beach vacation tips that will help you streamline your plans involve thinking about the atmosphere you want, where you’ll stay, how much you can spend, and how to be prepared for any accidents that may come up. Do you want to stay in a not so touristy area? Do you want the full tourist experience? These questions will shape where you choose to stay on your vacation, be it a private house, a hotel, or other accommodations, like camping. If you choose a hotel or resort, try to reserve places early before beach season starts–while the vacation concierge at your hotel might be charming, the prices many beachside hotels or resorts charge can be ridiculous. Be ready for any accidents (coral, jellyfish, allergies, etc.,) ahead of time and pack antidotes or emergency equipment as needed.
Taking a yearly vacation can help you live up to 20% longer. Do something good for your health and your state of mind and consider heading to a beach this summer. You’ll have leisure time, exercise, and plenty of fun in the sun. Make all your coworkers jealous by coming back with an excellent tan, a refreshed attitude, and an abundance of stories.