Monterey Wallace, lead adventurer and blogger at citytrav.com, is a friend to man and beast in all sectors of this wide green earth. He has traveled extensively throughout all seven continents. He has studied one of the last remaining native tribes unaffected by global culture. He has floated on the dead sea, and ventured deep into Chernobyl’s exclusionary zone. Monty is constantly pushing the boundaries of what it means to be a traveler.
But not all travel needs to be as groundbreaking as all that! Monterey is equally comfortable giving advice about your family’s next vacation. Should you visit London, or hobnob in a Japanese hot spring? How can you afford the best class of airline tickets, and when is it not a good idea to bring your family to Pyongyang? All of these questions and more are likely to be answered on this living information repository. And Monterey can’t wait to see you there!