Are you looking for the perfect romantic getaway vacation? Do you feel like the busyness of the everyday has put some strain on your relationship? A weekend trip catered around romance can be the perfect way to reconnect. It can encourage communication, entertainment, and love. Whether you are a new couple or looking to rekindle the romance after a long marriage, a romantic weekend getaway can do wonders for your relationship. Keep the following planning tips in mind when planning that perfect romance inducing trip.
Consider your length of stay
You may prefer to take a longer vacation, but it might just not be an option. Taking a shorter weekend trip is better than taking no vacation at all. If you find that you are constantly putting off your getaway trip because of lack of time, consider shortening your visit. It is better to get some time away with your significant other now than to wait years for another opportunity. If you have to shorten your trip, find a destination that is local. If you have longer, consider flying to another state, or even country for more romantic opportunities.
Research the location ahead of time
Nothing will ruin your romantic getaway trip like arriving at the hotel to find that it is very kid friendly and is full of young children running through the hallways. Child friendly vacations are great for family vacations, but they are not ideal for a romantic vacation. Consider researching for best honeymoon spots or the most romantic hotels in a specific location. Searching for and planning honeymoon ideas does not have to be reserved for those on a honeymoon. They achieve the same purpose. Some of the best vineyard hotels are great for both newlywed honeymooners and couples looking for a quick getaway.
Look for activities that allow you to reconnect
Planning a getaway vacation around a party city might not give you the best opportunities to reconnect with your significant other. Look for activities that you and your significant other can do together. The best vineyard hotels offer a variety of wine tasting tours and they can be a great activity to do together. Italy is the top producer of wine in the whole world. In 2015, 17.43% of all wine came from Italy. For a longer vacation, a trip to Italy in one of the amazing boutique hotels can be an extremely romantic vacation.
Other romantic inducing activities include dining, hiking, camping, horseback riding, taking classes together, and dancing. According to TripBarometer, the five most common things travelers are willing to spend more on include sightseeing (53%), special dining experiences (41%), accommodation (41%), activities (35%), and shopping (24%). All of these activities, including visits to the best vineyard hotels can be extremely exciting and romantic when doing them with your significant other.
Leave the kids at home
It can be difficult to plan a vacation without the kids. You have to find accommodations for them and explain to them why they are not coming. It is important to take vacations with just your spouse. When you bring the children, you are limited on time spent with them, defeating the purpose of the romantic vacation getaway. Additionally, many of the world?s best hotels are geared toward romantic vacations, rather than family vacations. According to Priceline.com?s 2016 Traveler?s Sweet Spot survey, 38% of men and 34% of women said romantic getaways were the best vacations. Yet, many do not find the opportunity to take them enough.
Marriage often takes a backseat when children and life are present. Schedules become hectic and more attention is spent on the children, than on the spouse. Although it is important to focus on children, it is also necessary to keep the marriage connection strong. Sometimes, it is beneficial to plan a romantic getaway for just the two of you. Book a getaway in a romantic hotel, perhaps one of the best vineyard hotels, plan a variety of romantic activities, and spend some deserving time together, just the two of you.