Family camping trips on Canadian campgrounds is the best way to get the whole family together and enjoy outdoor activities. So much so, that it is the second most popular choice among Americans. In 2011, Americans spent 534.9 million days altogether. Some of the best things to do when camping include:
- Fishing: Often times when camping in Ontario, there may be a body of water nearby. Take advantage and use this opportunity to go fishing. The best part is, you don’t have to be a professional to simply put a bobber into the water. You do, however, want to obtain a fishing license first.
- Hiking: Most campgrounds Ontario has contain hiking trails with a variety of lengths and difficulties. Choose one that everyone can enjoy or one that sparks a challenge.
- Geocaching: Family camping trips are the perfect opportunity for geocaching. Many campgrounds have several geocaches spread throughout the area. They are often times blended in with the hiking trails. As a result, this adds a bonus reason to go hiking.
- Sightseeing: Since many campgrounds are part of state and national parks, those interested in nature or sightseeing will have much to explore. This is because state and national parks specialize in preserving the natural resources and other elements of the land. They can also be close to interesting sights not made from nature.
- Biking: Along with hiking trails, bike trails are also common on campground sites. Simply bring your bikes with you and enjoy some off road fun.
- Stargazing: If you live in a big city or urban area, you may not see the stars as clearly as you want. For this reason, family camping trips are the perfect way to enjoy the night sky and its stars. Head out to an open area, lay on the ground, and simply enjoy the view and good conversation if you see fit.
- Campfire Building: Put your skills as a boy or girl scout to use and show the kids how to make a campfire. Some of the most memorable moments people remember about camping is trying to get a fire started. Remember to put the fire out before sleeping or leaving the campsite. The best way to do so is to drown the fire in water and stir the ashes. Do this until you are sure that the fire is out.
Now that you have some ideas of what to do with your family during your next family camping trip, you can begin to enjoy memorable moments while you can. Take advantage of all mother nature has to offer while continuing a family vacation tradition at the same time.