Did you know that in 2005, Americans took 1.19 billion trips throughout the country? Some travel for career, some for school, and some just for the fun of it. For those looking for student travel Canada has some of the best locations in the world. However, whether you are looking to student travel Canada’s cities or those in Mexico and the United States, you should do what you can to save money. After all, what college student has a ton to spend on their vacation? Here are four tips for having a great time while saving money as you look to student travel Canada and beyond.
- First and Foremost
- Consider Travel Insurance
- Want a Guide?
- Use Your Feet in Cities
While you certainly want to be cost effective and have cheap student travels where you can find them, you should be sure you have fun while you do so. Most Canadian cities, whether Toronto or Vancouver, offer incredible sites to see while also offering affordable lodging, food, and entertainment. Do not make student travel discounts be mutually exclusive to your enjoyment. Student travel websites, like Travel CUTS, offer ideas for having a great time while giving students a chance at reduced travel and lodging costs.
Did you know that governmental insurance may not cover emergencies encountered while you are on your multi city travels? According to RBC Insurance, your provincial health insurance may not cover illness and injury when you are abroad in certain countries. RBC cites a case where a Canadian citizen was injured in Florida and had to pay almost $60,000 in medical expenses. With comprehensive, cheap student travel insurance you can avoid a similar issue.
Did you know that using a city travel guide can make your trip a lot more eventful? Imagine, you have just landed in New York City but have little idea what you want to do while you are there. City travel guides provide you with a list of options so you can pick and choose what activities and foods you want to experience. Thankfully, travel guide services can now be booked online, making them available on smartphones and tablets wherever you are.
Urban tourism grew to popularity in the U.S. in 1915 and forever changed the way Americans perceived and navigated through their cities. Since that time, transportation technologies have come a long way. This has made it possible for Americans to travel across the country and through their cities for much less. Those savings are certainly passed on to the country’s guests. However, having said that, one of the best ways to save money and get to know a city is to walk to and from your destination. For this reason, many cities, including San Francisco and New York, offer walking tours to get you better acquainted.
If you are one of many Canadian scholars looking to take advantage of student travel Canada and the rest of North America offer their residents, follow these four tips to more enjoyable, more affordable getaways. Happy travels!