Camping is a recreational activity that almost 40 million people enjoy every year. It’s actually one of the most popular outdoor recreational activities, whether people stay in a tent at a campground, in an RV, or just pitch a tent in the backyard. Indeed, in 2013, campgrounds and RV parks brought in about five billion dollars in revenue. There are any number of reasons why camping is so beloved in the United States and indeed, one of the biggest motivations for going camping is just that people take great pleasure in going camping, say almost half of adult campers! Many people are introduced to camping as children, brought along on a family vacation or as an extracurricular with clubs or other organizations. However, if you’re coming to camping later in life, you’re about to discover a whole new world of being in nature, beautiful sights, and a special freedom in packing light and living simply!
Who’s Camping and How Do They Do It?
Camping is a family-friendly activity and one that people of all ages take part in. Indeed, among current campers, 85% started out camping between birth and the age of 15. Almost 60% of campers were involved in outdoor activities regularly as a child. Over 60% of campers over the age of 16 were married or with a partner and adults with children camped 8% more than adults without children. Parents with children between the ages of six and 12 camped the most — just under 20%.
Tents, RV’s, cabins, bivys, and yurts tend to be the most common ways to camp. At a campground, you’re likely to see tents pitched, cabins full, and RV’s parked. Campers usually spend just under 15 days camping. Those who stay in RV’s tend to stay the longest — almost 15% stay for a week or more — whereas cabin campers tend to stay for the shortest period, with over 80% only spending one to two nights.
State park campground tend to be the most popular place to stay, with national park campgrounds coming in second, and local park campgrounds in third place. Those who camp tend to camp often and regularly. In 2013, the average camper went on 5.4 camping trips and 99% of campers said they were likely or very likely to camp the following year.
What Are Some Benefits of Camping?
The “Campfire Canvass” biannual survey showed that respondents who used their RV more in that season did so because over 65% liked being able to get away more often, just under 50% liked the time it afforded them with family, just under 45% did so to get away from stress, just over 40% did so because of the low cost, and just under 40% liked getting away without having to do extensive advance planning. This reasoning doesn’t apply to just RV’ers, however.
Camping is a great low-budget, low-stress type of trip that often minimizes technology — though more campgrounds now do offer WiFi — and lets you surround yourself with nature. Many people find camping to be quite soothing and they enjoy the peace and quiet of being in a tent in nature. Camping can also teach some very useful skills — how to cook over a fire, how to set up a tent, and other survival skills.
What Activities Can You Do When Camping?
Camping also tends to be an activity that lends itself to other activities. Indeed, almost 90% of campers got involved with multiple other outdoor activities like swimming, boating, fishing, hiking, and more. Many campsites might be linked to such activities and offer canoe or kayak rentals or provide a swimming area, if they’re near water.
Some campgrounds may also be located near a small town with tourist shops or attractions and places to eat out and shop. There’s also plenty of pictures to take, land to explore, and natural beauty to enjoy while you’re on a camping trip.
If you’re thinking about getting away this summer, consider going camping. Purchase some inexpensive camping gear — or borrow some from friends and family — and take off on one of America’s favorite past times.