Summers get busy. High school students find summer work. Parents work extra hours to make up for the vacation days that others take. Baseball and softball games fill the evenings and weekends. Yard work, house maintenance projects and volunteer commits take up much of the free time. Even though the kids are out of school for the summer, you still cannot seem to find enough free time to spent evening meals together let alone any long amounts of quality time.
When you are down to only a month left of summer, you decide that you need to matters into your own hands. You made a few phone calls and you have located one of several family vacation rentals near a lake. The cabins for rent include options of boat slips with ski boats, pontoon boats, and even jet skis. when you announced the plan to your husband and kids they only argued for a few minutes. They could not get off work. They could not miss practice. After you told them that they really had no choice, you actually noticed them completely relax. They could get some days off. They could miss a couple of practices. They were anxious to have a few days away from their busy schedules. They were anxious to spend some time together. Anxious to spent time boating, skiing, relaxing, your children began packing for the trip and counting down the days until departure.
Five Great Reasons to Take a Family Camping Vacation
- Popularity. Camping is one of the most loved outdoor American activities. So much so that in 2013, the campground industry in America, grossed nearly $5 billion.
- Affordability. Camping opportunities vary greatly. The least expensive options can be a simple tent pad with shower houses that are availability. More expensive options involve luxury vacation rentals that are as comfortable and convenient as homes. Campers simply need to determine their dates and their vacation budgets and look for opportunities that fall within those ranges.
- Relaxation. Today’s families are under busy schedules of work, school, and activities like athletic practices and volunteer commitments. Even when everything that these family members do is done for the right reasons, the schedule can be exhausting. A family camping vacation is a chance to take a break from busy schedules of work and other commitments. Instead of getting up for work, families can rise with the sunset. Instead of staying up late wasting time online checking social media posts, camping families can call it an early night when the sun sets.
- Nature. Get away from 24/7 technology and reconnect with 24/7 nature. A recent study by the Institute of Education at Plymouth University indicated that 98% of parents said camping makes their children appreciate and connect with nature. In fact, 95% of these same parents indicate that their children their children are happier when camping. Additionally, 93% of these parents indicate that camping provides useful skills for later life.
- Gadgets. Let’s face it. It is hard to deny the allure of many of the newest camping gear items. Vacation rentals allow fishermen an opportunity to try out the new rod and reel. they also allow hikers to try out a new pair of hiking boots or a new lightweight backpack. With the continued development of new products and gadgets, it should come as no surprise that camping continues to grow in popularity. In the year 2014, for example, consumers spent more than $1.5 billion on camping equipment. The largest portion of these expenditures was on backpacks and sleeping bags.
Summer starts out as a possibility of free time and relaxation. Unfortunately, families who do not carve out specific times for family vacations often end up with summers that are just as busy as other times of the year. Taking the time to book one of the many vacation rentals available across the country, however, is the decision to force your family to slow down and enjoy each other’s company. Instead of letting another summer slip away, why not make a phone call or look on the internet to find the best location, the best price, and the best reason for your next family vacation? Get ready to relax and reconnect with nature!